Last month I found myself in Amsterdam. I like to refer to this as Europe's Las Vegas. The city was celebrating its annual King's Day (formerly Queen's Day). Everyone boasted in their bright orange hues and trampled the cobbled streets in search of alcohol, sex, and/or drugs. Yes, you're right, I do not drink and I'm a married woman... so... um... NO, I was not looking for drugs nor did I find any. I spent my day with a very amazing woman I met on another guided tour. We shopped and laughed and sampled delicious treats. We rode on a beautiful boat and ate at a floating Chinese restaurant. Due to the holiday, everything was closed and the streets were blocked off. Imagine a citywide block party dedicated to alcohol and music. Take that image and apply crack. Tons of crack. That, my friend, is King's Day in Amsterdam.

This month I stayed a bit more local and ventured on a 2 hour drive up to Hotel Bareiss in Baiersbronn located in the Black Forest. My husband booked this trip for my Mother's Day present. He could not have chosen a more suitable establishment. Let's just start with the village in which the resort sits. It's breathtaking. The scenery is impeccable. Flowers bloom along the roads and the trees are every shade of green known to man. During my stay, the weather was perfect. It stayed a nice 70 degrees the entire time and never dared to rain.

The hotel is a family establishment where the great great great great nephew of the Henry IV still works the front desk. Im not really sure how many greats he is, but he really does make an appearance in the hotel. I was able to speak to him on my second night at dinner. I had just finished my 7 course meal, when I recognized a young man working the dining tables. Everyone greeted him with a smile and he in turn chatted a few moments. He reached my table when it finally dawned on me why he was recognizable, he is the man from the brochure. The descendant of the first caveman to open a Hotel Bareiss. Where then the fine establishment was only open to the best hunters and gatherers of the time.

My weekend included a gorgeous view of a hillside from my suite. The old fashioned lock and key for my door was brilliant. The room's balcony was private and equipped with a quaint seating area for relaxation. I did spend a few hours out there enjoying a random food & wine magazine. The spa was located less than a minute from my room two floors below. There I was able to receive a pedicure, silk massage (with raw silk gloves to take home and continue my treatment), and a facial. They really know how to show a girl a good time. Just an FYI, there's no modesty in a massage in Europe. Hop your naked ass on the table while I massage every inch of your body.
The resort has a golf course, several pools, saunas, ponds, children's areas, parks, bike riding, group trails, and more for your enjoyment. The included breakfast buffet runs until 11 if you're a late riser or want to return for brunch. In the afternoon, cake is served free of charge to guests. In the evening a 7 course dinner is served at your own special table. Thank goodness for Pretty Woman teaching me which forks and knives to use! Bwahahaha... slippery little suckers :) You have a few choices if you're on a low calorie diet or vegetarian lifestyle. Once you arrive the clerk shows you to your room and from that moment forward every worker knows your name. Cheers anyone? Please tell me you know that show. If not, Google it! The entire experience is worth every penny and the bill is quite hefty. Just remember all of the inclusions. Words and pictures will never do this place justice. It's something you should definitely experience for yourself. I tried with the words and now here are some photos.

I've no clue where I'll go for my June trip, but it will be pretty hard to top these locations! Until then... CIAO!