No, it's not mold. That would definitely be my worst nightmare. I dont even touch molded food items without plastic gloves! I finally chopped off the rest of my relaxer. I actually did it a few days after my previous post. I am 2 weeks post BIG CHOP now. I must say it is growing on me. At first I felt free, then I felt sad, then angry, then confused... but now I'm in love. Many say after you chop off the relaxer your natural hair is extremely dry and yes I completely agree. After a few deep conditioning treatments and playing around with products and techniques, I finally came up with my new regimen. I'll try to remember to update that on the other tab as to not bore you so much here.

I don't think Lilly likes it too much. Lilly is the older of the twins. They are 16months and cracking me up everyday. She stood up behind me on the couch and started playing in my curly fro. Then (I can only imagine this is what happened as she was behind me) her face contorted into a hideous grotesque monster as she gripped two baby handfuls of my hair and pulled with all her might. As she ripped the hair from my head her onesie flew off in shreds like she was baby-Hulk. Yea... it was that bad. The pain... oh man the pain. I admit that I screamed and probably scared some poop out of her. She hates to have her hair styled. I dont use combs on them. I just finger detangle, but she cries every time. Maybe that was payback?
Now that I can't whip my hair back and forth, I've found new things to shake! My pregnant belly. HAHAHA Just joking calm down people. Im not shaking the baby.
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We did try a new restaurant recently. It was nice. An American themed diner in Germany called Sam Kullman's Diner... um ok. So, bottled water costs more than beer in Germany, but it's so fancy. I just love it! The girls were impressed with their coloring pages and pencils. Normally, they receive crayons and just try to bite them. This time they had fancy shmancy colored pencils. The staff were very polite and the food was actually good. I had a grilled chicken sandwich with fries and the hubby had a burger. We had been out and about that day shopping and checking out some flea markets so it was not a planned stop. All in all a great day.
Until the next time... ciao!
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