Friday, August 19, 2011

stamping my footprints on the sands of time

That's exactly how I feel right now. Sorry for all of the Beyonce song references, but I dont have a disc changer and whichever CD is in once we hit that autobahn stays in!

I feel like I accomplished so much at such a young age that I'm now just in limbo... hanging about waiting for the universe to send me a sign. I'm not sure what this sign would look like and I'm almost positive it has given me plenty, but I'm a visual learner. Maybe one day I'll wake up with a flashing arrow pointing at some fancy written directions with step by step illustrations. Until then, I'll continue on my journey.

Currently, I'm working to be a better HEALTHIER me. I am definitely a work in progress. I havent really exactly defined what a HEALTHIER me looks like, but I want to nurture all aspects of my life. I have begun working out, eating right, taking better care of my hair, increasing communication, self-reflecting, and setting/accomplishing my goals. WHEW! All of that PLUS I'm still being the best mommy I can be, but I want to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Being a true believer in goal setting really helps me not feel too overwhelmed with it all. Each day is a new beginning and a new chance at being a better version of yesterday's me.

My good friend Michelle motivates/encourages/nags/reminds/demands that I finally write my book. She and I have been friends since 7th grade and now we're almost 30 and stronger than ever. I thank God for people like her in my life. Lifelong friends are few and far between, but if you're lucky enough to have one be sure to thank that person and tell them as often as you can how much you appreciate them. - Ok enough mushy stuff...

I have been bouncing ideas around in my mind and with Michelle. It's high time I put the pen to paper and stop procrastinating. My honest opinion- I'm afraid it wont be any good. What if I put all this effort into this project and I cant sell even 1 copy? If I start and dont finish is that even worse than finishing and failing? Then I realized that writing this book isnt about me. It's about completing a goal and showing my daughters what it means to at least try and give it your all. So, with the weight of the world (I say they're about 30lbs combined) in my arms I begin the process.

You will be my audience, my critics, my support team, my fans, my all.

On a more social note- I met another twin mom today! Her sons are 9weeks old and absolutely the cutest things around! It's so nice to meet other twin moms. We are drawn to each other. Tomorrow I'm attending a "Girl's Night In" potluck event. I'll share the recipes of my favorite dishes and I guess I better get crackin' on a dish myself.

Until then- CIAO!

1 comment:

  1. ‎****WHATEVER you give a WOMAN, she will MAKE it GREATER..Give her SPERM, she will give you a BABY..Give her a HOUSE, she will give you a HOME..Give her GROCERIES, she will give you a MEAL..Give her LOVE, and she will give you her HEART! She MULTIPLIES and ENLARGES what she is GIVEN.. So, if you GIVE her CRAP, be PREPARED to RECEIVE a ton of SHIT!! I hope to see every woman on my friends list re-post this.****


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